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The avatars are listed in the order they have been released on the NeoPets site, with the newest released avatar at the top.

Avatar Count: 300

Faerie Bubbles - (released Feb. 13, 2006)
Score 2000+ for the game
Faerie Bubbles.
Lenny - Mutant - (released Feb. 10, 2006)
View a pet lookup for an Mutant Lenny that has a a Mutant Petpet (possibly needs an aged Mutant Petpet but we are still trying to verify that). You can see one
here. (event is at the bottom of the page)
Zafara - Double Agent - (released Feb. 3, 2006)
Have a Zafara Double Agent Plushie in your inventory and then search for 'zafara double agent' NeoPets site search.
Kacheek - Herder - (released Jan. 27, 2006)
Score 250+ for the game
Extreme Herder.
Anubis - (released Jan. 18, 2006)
View a lookup for a Desert pet that has a Anubis petpet. You can see one
Elephante - To War - (released Jan. 17, 2006)
View a pet lookup for an Elephante. You can see one
here or here.
Buzz - Maraquan - (released Jan. 11, 2006)
Go to
The Neopets Caption Competition #664 then right click on the page and click on view source (or you can use your toolbar by clicking on 'Tools' and then 'Source'). Search for MAP name="buzzmap" which will be followed by something that looks like this 'AREA shape="rect" coords="148,248,148,248" href="/games/caption/caption_archive.phtml?buzz1=3943348184"' (NOTE: your numbers after buzz1= will be different from this example).

Copy the /games/new_caption.phtml?buzz1=3943348184 portion of that, paste it into your browsers Address bar and add to the beginning of that and add to the end &place=664 (which would then make it look like this... Then hit enter (or click the Go button on your browser) to get the avatar.

NOTE: All the other ways you could get this avatar when it first came out appear no longer work.
Aisha - Disco - (released Jan. 03, 2006)
View a pet lookup for a Disco Aisha. You can see one
here or here.
Snuffly - (released Dec. 20, 2005)
View a pet lookup that has a Snuffly Petpet. You can see one
Wocky - Snow Day - (released Dec. 12, 2005)
You need to have an Snow pet that is 100+ days old and then look at your pet's lookup.
Bruce - Mutant - (released Dec. 5, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Mutant Bruce. You can see one
here or here.
Usul - Royal Boy - (released Nov. 28, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a male Royal Usul. You can see one
here or here.
Nabile - (released Nov. 23, 2005)
Have ANY type of ring (I used a Toy Spider Ring) in your item inventory and then go to the Neopedia article about
Tomos - (released Nov. 18, 2005)
Have something with the word 'scarab' in your your inventory, have only 1np on hand and then go to the 2nd page of
How to Draw Tomos.
Cyodrake - (released Nov. 16, 2005)
View a pet lookup that has a Cyodrake Petpet. You can see one
here or here.
Happy Birthday! - (released Nov. 15, 2005)
- View the NeoPets
New Features page on NeoPets Birthday, November 15.
The Darkest Faerie - (released Nov. 10, 2005)
From 10pm - 5am (NST time), go to the
Darkest Faerie Neopets TCG Card Checklist and click on the card for The Darkest Faerie (it's card #5).
Faerie Pteri - (released Nov. 8, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Faerie Pteri. You can see one
here or here.
Korbat - Royal - (released Oct. 26, 2005)
NOTE! You can only get ONE of these avatar so decide which one you want before you go and get it.

If you want the female Royal Korbat avatar, have your gender on the site set as male and view a pet lookup for a male Royal Korbat. You can see one

If you want the male Royal Korbat avatar, have your gender on the site set as female and and view a pet lookup for a female Royal Korbat
Symol - (released Oct. 21, 2005)
Random event when your petpet goes down the
Mysterious Symol Hole.
Punchbag - (released Oct. 18, 2005)
Go to the
Battledome and challenge Punchbag Bob with your active pet. If his evil brother Punchbag Sid (he has an eye patch) appears for the battle and you lose, you get the avatar.

NOTE: It is random as to when Punchbag Sid appears in the Battledome and he is only there for a few minutes at a time. So how do you know if Sid is in the Battledome? When Sid is in the Battledome, it will show Punchbag Bob on the 1-player challenger list with a difficulty 100 (instead of 0) and when you enter the battle, Sid has 2000 hit points (instead of the 5000 that Bob has). You can also just keep an eye on the Avatar Chat board for others announcing when Punchbag Sid is in the Battledome.
Jetsam - Bah! - (released Oct. 14, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Baby Jetsam. You can see one
here or here.
Bori - Grumpy - (released Oct. 13, 2005)
View a pet lookup of a Plushie Bori that has zero hit points. You can see a Plushie Bori
here but it's hit points status is subject to change at any time.
Revenge is Sweet - (released Oct. 11, 2005)
Score 2250+ for the game
Robo - (released Oct. 10, 2005)
Put a Robo Pet (furniture item) in your Neohome.

NOTE: The Robo-Quiggle will work but you will need to change the site language to Japanese before putting it in your Neohome.
Grarrl - Galem Darkhand - (released Oct. 4, 2005)
Search for the collectable card 'Galem Darkhand' click on the item or, go
Skeith - Snargan - (released Sept. 26, 2005)
Get 320 points in the game
Double or Nothing and then collect your winnings.
Poogle - Pirate - (released Sept. 19, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Pirate Poogle. You can see one
LDP - What does it mean? - (released Sept. 15, 2005)
RETIRED - You had to complete and translate your Mysterious Tablet during the
Lost Desert Plot.
Techo - Cheesy - (released Sept. 13, 2005)
Random event if you finish in 60 seconds or less in the game
Draik - Hatched - (released Sept. 9, 2005)
You need to have a Draik, make it your active pet and then go to the
Draik Nest.
Spardel - (released Sept. 6, 2005)
View a pet lookup that has a Spardel Petpet. You can see one
here or here.
Volcano Run - (released Sept. 1, 2005)
Score 3500+ for the game
Volcano Run.
Grand Theft Ummagine - (released August 29, 2005)
Score 1100+ for the game
Grand Theft Ummagine.
Typing Terror - (released August 25, 2005)
Score 3600+ for the game
Typing Terror.
Meerca - Halloween - (released August 18, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Halloween Meerca. You can see one
Scarabug - (released August 10, 2005)
View a pet lookup that has a Scarabug Petpet. You can see one
Blumaroo - Fire! - (released August 8, 2005)
You need a Fire Blumaroo and have a Fire Petpet attached to it for 30+ days, then view the pet lookup. Avatar notice will be at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: You cannot use a petpet that you have already received another petpet avatar from, i.e., Snicklebeast, Mazzew, etc, or you will not get this avatar... even if you paint it fire. You will have to either remove the petpet and re-attched it to your Fire Blumaroo so that it's age starts back down to 0 days or, give your Fire Blumaroo another non-avatar related petpet.
Petpet Laboratory - (released August 3, 2005)
Zap your Petpet at the Petpet Laboratory and if it gets zapped into a 'Pile of Soot', you get the avatar.

NOTE: In order to gain access to the Petpet Laboratory, you must first have access to the orignal Laboratory. Then you need to collect all the pieces of the 'Petpet Laboratory Map' and redeem them at the Neopets Treasure Hunt page which will give you access to the Petpet Lab.
Mortog Smooch - (released August 1, 2005)
Get four in a row correct in the game
Kiss the Mortog and collect your winnings.
Mummified Ruki - (released July 29, 2005)
Own a Halloween Ruki and have a Mummy Baby attached to it for 30+ days then view the pet lookup.
Wocky - Camouflage - (released July 27, 2005)
View at a pet lookup for a Camouflage painted pet. You can see one
here or here.
Peophin - Purple - (released July 26, 2005)
View at a pet lookup for a Purple Peophin. You can see one
here or here.
NT Writer - (released July 22, 2005)
RETIRED (possibly) - Given to those who had something published in the 200th edition of the Neopian Times. Editorial questions do not count. (It might be given out for every 100th issue after that but we won't know that until it happens.)
Mmm, custard! - (released July 20, 2005)
Feed your pet something with 'custard' in the name. (Changing your site language to Portuguese and using any food with the word 'cream' in it will work too, i.e., Illusens Cream Cookie.)
Kiko - Rock! - (released July 15, 2005)
Go to the
NeoPets Music page. Right click on the page and select 'View Source'. The page source code will open in Notepad, or similar. Click on the keys 'ctrl and F' (or in the toolbar click Edit>Find) to open the find box. Type in the word avatar. When you find the line that reads something like this..., copy that url (without the surrounding comment tag arrows) and paste that into your browser address bar and go to that url to get the avatar.

NOTE: These instructions may not work in every type of browser but it does in Internet Explorer. Also, the URL code is different for everyone so you MUST use the code that you are given when you look it up.
Curse of Maraqua - Pirate Warrior - (released July 15, 2005)
RETIRED - If you participated in the 2005 Curse of Maraqua War plot as a Pirate Warrior, view your User Lookup to get this avatar.
Curse of Maraqua - Pirate Supporter - (released July 15, 2005)
RETIRED - If you participated in the 2005 Curse of Maraqua War plot as a Pirate Supporter, view your User Lookup to get this avatar.
Curse of Maraqua - Maraquan Warrior - (released July 15, 2005)
RETIRED - If you participated in the 2005 Curse of Maraqua War plot as a Maraquan Warrior, view your User Lookup to get this avatar.
Curse of Maraqua - Maraquan Supporter - (released July 15, 2005)
RETIRED - If you participated in the 2005 Curse of Maraqua War plot as a Maraquan Supporter, view your User Lookup to get this avatar.
Geraptiku - Deserted Tomb - (released July 13, 2005)
Random event when you get an item from the
Deserted Tomb in the Lost City of Geraptiku.
Tuskaninny - Spotted - (released July 12, 2005)
You need to have a Tuskaninny pet and an item with the word 'spotted' in the item name in your inventory then go view your Tuskaninnies lookup page.
Ixi - Sophie the Swamp Witch - (released July 11, 2005)
Go look at the
Halloween Paint Brushes page in the Haunted Woods.
NeoQuest - Wise and Powerful - (released July 7, 2005)
Play NeoQuest 1, beat Archmagus of Roo in the Temple of Roo and give the Clouded Gem to Erick the Cybunny.
Flotsam - Rainbow - (released July 1, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Rainbow Flotsam. You can see one
Quadrapus - (released June 29, 2005)
Have a Quadrapus Petpet attached to a pet for 60+ days.
Acara - Angry Prince - (released June 27, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Royal Boy Acara. You can see one
Fishing - Titanic Squid - (released June 20, 2005)
Catch the Titanic Giant Squid at the
Underwater Fishing Cavern. (Obtainable after your pet has reached Fishing Skill 80+).

NOTE: Reading the book 'Fishing Made Easy' to your pet can also increase your pets fishing skill 1-3 levels.
Kau - Starry - (released June 17, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Starry Kau. You can see one
Top Gamer - (released June 16, 2005)
Achieved 250+ game high scores then look at your game
High Scores list.

Remember that you must submit your game scores for the game to appear on your high score list.
Baby Nimmo - (released June 15, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Baby Nimmo. You can see one
Quiggle - Cheesy Grin - (released June 13, 2005)
Either change your shopkeeper to the Quiggle - Bandit and view your Shop Front or, view a shop that has this shopkeeper in it. You can see one
here. (shops subject to change at any time)
Petpet Rescue - (released June 8, 2005)
Score 250+ in the game
Petpet Rescue.
Yarrble! - (released May 27, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Pirate Yurble. You can see one
King Kelpbeard - (released May 25, 2005)
Have a Maractite weapon in your inventory then go to the
Curse of Maraqua TCG Card Checklist and click on King Kelpbeard.
Moach - (released May 23, 2005)
View a pet lookup that has a Moach Petpetpet. You can see one
Sewage Surfer - (released May 18, 2005)
Sewage Surfer, get to level 50 and then quit the game.
Moehog - Avast! - (released May 13, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Pirate Moehog. You can see one
Zomutt - (released May 13, 2005)
View a pet lookup that has a Zomutt for a Petpet. You can see one
Niptor - (released May 12, 2005)
View a pet lookup that has a Niptor for a Petpet. You can see one
here or here.
Clay - Ouch! - (released May 11, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Clay Kiko. You can see one
Pinatas & Candy! - (released May 5, 2005)
Have your pet play with a toy Pinata until it breaks.

NOTE: Only the toy Pinatas will work; Vira Pinata, Meuka Pinata, Hubrid Nox Pinata, and Balthazar Pinata.
Hello, little Lupe... BOOOM! - (released May 2, 2005)
Fight with or against a Lupe in the Battledome and lose the battle. Balthazar (not the Inflatable Balthazar) works too. The avatar notice will be on the "and the winner is..." page.
Who Me? - (released Apr. 27, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Pink Cybunny. You can see one
here or here.
Meepit Vs Feepit - (released Apr. 26, 2005)
Score 3000+ for the game
Meepit vs. Feepit..
Rorru - (released Apr. 22, 2005)
Go to the
Haiku Generator on Mystery Island and refresh the page until you get the avatar.
Bon Appétit - (released Apr. 21, 2005)
Go to the
Kelp Restaurant in Maraqua and if it lets you take home any leftovers, you might get the avatar. It is random.

NOTE: We have had some reports from users who did not get the avatar event notification when they got the avatar so make sure you check you avatar list after going to Kelp.
Ghost Krawk - (released Apr. 15, 2005)
You need to own a Krawk and then go and visit the
Fungus Cave.
Gloomy - (released Apr. 14, 2005)
Go to the
Weather page and if the weather is gloomy or rainy, you'll get the avatar.
Captian Scarblade - (released Apr. 13, 2005)
Go to the '
How to Draw Captian Scarblade' pages.
Dark Nova - (released Apr. 6, 2005)
Equip one of your pets with a "Dark Nova" item, i.e., Dark Nova, Scroll of Dark Nova, etc.
A Meepit! Run! - (released Apr. 5, 2005)
Score 3500+ points for the game
Meepit Juice Break.
Shoyru - Tough! - (released Apr. 4, 2005)
- You need to own a Shoyru, battle it against a one player opponent in the Battledome and win. The avatar notice will be on the "and the winner is..." page.
Good or Bad? - (released Mar. 30, 2005)
- Go to the
Curse of Maraqua plot.
Wheel of Misfortune - (released Mar. 29, 2005)
Spin the
The Wheel of Misfortune! and land on the pile of sludge space. Just be careful because it will turn something in your inventory into a pile of sludge!
Maraquan Chomby - (released Mar. 22, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Maraquan Chomby. You can see one
here or here.
SlugaWOO! - (released Mar. 16, 2005)
View a pet lookup that has a Slugawoo for a Petpet. You can see one
here or here.
Scorchio - Haunted - (released Mar. 14, 2005)
Equip your pet with a weapon from the
Haunted Weaponry shop.
Pink! - (released Mar. 9, 2005)
You need to have a pink pet and feed it something with the word 'popcorn' in the name.

NOTE: We have received a few emails saying that changing your language to Deutsch (German) and feeding your pink pet Candy Corn Classic works too but we have not verified this.
Destruct-O-Match - (released Mar. 8, 2005)
Score 2500+ in the game
Destruct-O-Match II.
Spotted Gelert - (released Mar. 7, 2005)
View a pet lookup for a Spotted Gelert. You can see one
here or here.
Uni - Beauty - (released Mar. 2, 2005)
Groom your pet with any grooming item.
Raindorf - (released Feb. 23, 2005)
View a pet with a Raindorf Petpet. You can see one
here or here.
Spike It! - (released Feb. 22, 2005)
Score 800+ or complete all 6 rounds in the game
Mynci Beach Volleyball.

NOTE: Completing all 6 rounds will NOT guarantee the avatar. Many have reported they got it after completing the 6 rounds but others reported they didn't.
Tonu - Charge! - (released Feb. 21, 2005)
Battle against a Darigan Tonu in the Battledome. Doesn't matter if you win or lose the battle.
Ice Cream Machine - (released Feb. 18, 2005)
Score 14500+ in the game
Ice Cream Machine .
Plushie! - (released Feb. 16, 2005)
Donate any plushie to the Money Tree. (Note: Do not use quick stock for this as you will not get the avatar.)
Lenny - Wicked - (released Feb. 11, 2005)
You need to have a Lenny pet and feed it any spooky food item.
Snicklebeast - (released Feb. 9, 2005)
Have a Snicklebeast Petpet attached to a pet for at least 61 days and then view the pet's lookup.
Lever of Doom - (released Feb. 8, 2005)
Random event while playing
Lever of Doom.
Huggy - (released Feb. 8, 2005)
Have a Huggy Petpet attached to a pet for 99+ days.
Ace Zafara - (released Feb. 3, 2005)
Score 550+ in the game
Advert Attack.
Must... Keep... Smiling... - (released Jan. 28, 2005)
Random event while playing
Kacheek Seek.
Harris - Hi - (released Jan. 26, 2005)
Have a Harris attached to one of your pets for 99+ days then view your pet's lookup.
Achyfi! - (released Jan. 19 2005)
Give you pet anything other than Achyfi to drink.

(FYI... anything with juice or drink in the name will work, as does Skieth Cocktail.)
Jazzmosis Elephante - (released Jan. 17, 2005)
Purchase a 'Jazzmosis Ticket' and go see them in

NOTE: Once the ticket is used... it is gone!
I ♥ Happiness - (released Jan. 14, 2005)
You need to have the 'I *heart* Sloth' avatar as your active avatar then go to
here and keep refreshing until you get the I ♥ Happiness avatar. If you do NOT have the 'I *heart* Sloth', scroll down the avatar list to find out how to get it.
Baby Buzz - (released Jan. 11, 2005)
In the 'Search Neopets' text box, type in... I love baby buzz!
Tooth Faerie - (released Jan. 5, 2005)
You get this through the Tooth Faerie random event however it is also random IF you get the avatar.
Aisha Scalawag - (released Jan. 3, 2005)
- Random event if you pick a winning treasure spot in the
Treasure of the Black Pawkeet (also known as Buried Treasure) game.
Taelia the Snow Faerie - (released Dec. 22, 2004)
- Complete
The Snow Faerie's Quest.
Garlic! Run!! - (released Dec. 15, 2004)
Feed your pet any food with the word 'garlic' in the name. If you have a Skeith or Grarrl, changing your language to French or Italian and feeding it a Palm Fan also works.
Kiosk Wocky - (released Dec. 13, 2004)
Buy a Scratchcard from the
Ice Caves Scratchcards Kiosk and if you win, you get this avatar.
Fiery Pteri - (released Dec. 9, 2004)
View a pet lookup that has a Fire Pteri. You can see one
RAWR! - (released Dec. 8, 2004)
Random event when your pet gets blasted by the
OHEMGEE!!! - (released Dec. 6, 2004)
View a pet lookup that has a Royal Bruce. You can see one
Not For Wreathale - (released Dec. 1, 2004)
Look at a pet with an 'aged' Wreathy Petpet. You can see one
here and here.
Plastic Fir - (released Dec. 1, 2004)
LIMITED - Given out at the
Christmas Advent Calendar on December 1, 2004 and December 1, 2005.
Battle Faerie - (released Nov. 24, 2004)
Do a battle in the
Battledome against any 1-player opponent and win the battle. At the end of the fight, at the page that says "and the winner is...", keep refreshing that page. The avatar notice will appear in the middle of the screen. It can take a LOT of refreshing!

There have been reports that the image for the Battle Faerie avatar periodically, and briefly, changes to this 'Fight' avatar.
Bleh!! - (released Nov. 24, 2004)
You can get this avatar
Dice Escape - (released Nov. 12, 2004)
Score 1000+ in the game
Dice Escape .
Broken - (released Nov. 10, 2004)
Take a broken toy to
Donny's Toy Repair Shop and have him fix the toy.
Attack of the Slorgs - (released Nov. 3, 2004)
Score 1000+ in the game
Attack of the Slorgs.
Completely Random - (released Nov. 2, 2004)
If you are a
Random Contest winner, you will get this avatar.
Colorful Korbat - (released Oct. 26, 2004)
Look at a pet lookup that has a Rainbow Korbat. You can see one
Jetsam - Wanna Fight? - (released Oct. 15, 2004)
Either have a Jetsam and battle it in the Battledome or, battle against a Jetsam in the Battledome. It does not matter if you win or lose the battle.
Cap'n Threelegs - (released Oct. 8, 2004)
Take your pet to be trained at the
Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Academy. When the training session has completed, you will get this avatar.

NOTE: Only Neopets under level 41 can use the Swashbuckling Academy and the amount of time for each course to finish depends on the level of your pet.
Hannah and the Pirate Caves- (released Oct. 6, 2004)
Score 150,000+ in the game
Hannah and the Pirate Caves.
Grarrl Keno - (released Oct. 4, 2004)
Random event while playing
Grarrl Keno. (Yes this IS random when playing the game. I matched absolutely nothing, not even one number, when I got the avatar.)
Petpetsitter - (released Sep. 30 & Oct. 1, 2004)
Score 2500+ in the game
Skeith - Jelly Processing Plant - (released Sep. 24, 2004)
Score 1000+ in the game
Hungry Skeith. (previously obtained playing the game Jelly Processing Plant)
Gormball - Gargarox - (released Sep. 23, 2004)
Play the game
Gormball and win.
Toasty - (released Sep. 22, 2004)
Have any item with the word 'bread' in your inventory and go to
Techo Mountain on Mystery Island. (NOTE: You must use the link we have here to access Techo Mountain as accessing Techo Mountain via Mystery Island no longer works.)
Library Faerie - (released Sep. 21, 2004)
Complete the
Faerie Crossword Puzzle.
NOTE: There does not seem to be a time limit to complete the crossword to get the avatar. I completed it in 3 minutes and got the avatar while others have reported getting it after 20 minutes.
Poogle Racing Winner - (released Sep. 20, 2004)
Poogle Races and if your Poogle wins, you get this avatar.
Smuggler's Dubloon - (released Sep. 16, 2004)
Score 800+ in the game
Dubloon Disaster.
Techo - The Buzzer Game - (released Sep. 13, 2004)
Score 300+ in the game
The Buzzer Game.
Kadoatie - Mew - (released Sep. 10, 2004)
You need to feed 75 Kadoaties at the
Mutant Draik - Back Off! - (released Sep. 9, 2004)
View a pet lookup for a Mutant Draik. You can see one
Do Not Eat!! - (released Sep. 1, 2004)
Feed your pet any food with the word 'carrot' in the name.
Island Mystic - (released Aug. 27, 2004)
Go to the
Mystery Island Mystic and of your fortune has the word Kyrii in it, you will get this avatar. (you can go once per day)
Mutant Graveyard of Doom - (released Aug. 25, 2004)
Random event while refreshing the page at the
Game Graveyard. It may take a LOT of refreshing before you actually get it.
Freaky Factory - Yoinked - (released Aug. 24, 2004)
Score 1250+ for the game
Freaky Factory.
Emo Usuki - (released Aug. 20, 2004)
Change your
Shopkeeper Picture to the Usul-Gothic then view your shop front. (The notice will be just above the shopkeeper picture. If you do not see it right away, refresh the page until you get it.)

NOTE: For whatever reason, they have made this one so that if you change your shopkeeper to anything else other than the Usul-Gothic, the avatar is removed from your avatar list and you cannot use it. Change it back to the Usul-Gothic and you get the avatar back again.

Some players are saying that you will not lose the avatar as long as you do not look at your shop front again after removing the Usul-Gothic shopkeeper however, I changed my shopkeeper back to my original one and did not look at my shop front again and the avatar was removed from my avatar list anyways.
Gnome! - (released Aug. 19, 2004)
Have an item with the word Gnome in the name in your items inventory then go to the
Neopian Garden Centre.
Meerca Chase - (released Aug. 18, 2004)
Score 1250+ for the game
Meerca Chase II.

NOTE: Yes you CAN still get this avatar playing the original
Meerca Chase game and your score needs to be 750+.
Brightvale - (released Aug. 11, 2004)
Play the
The Wheel of Knowledge and land on the Brightvale Flag (8 pointed star).
Deckswabber - (released Aug. 6, 2004)
Play the game of
Deckswabber and get a score of 825+.
Goldy - (released Aug. 4, 2004)
View a pet lookup that has a Goldy Petpet. You can see one
Skarl - Moody - (released Jul. 30, 2004)
Go to the
Grumpy Old King and tell King Skarl a joke. If he thinks it's the worst joke ever, he just might give you this avatar.
Jeran - Hero - (released Jul. 30, 2004)
Chapter 7 of the Meridell Plot.
Ruki - (released Jul. 27, 2004)
View a Ruki pet lookup. You can see one
Kass Minion - (released Jul. 27, 2004)
View the page for
Lord Kass in the Gallery of Evil.
Darigan Peophin - (released Jul. 26, 2004)
View a Darigan Peophin pet lookup. You can see one
Neopian Times Star - (released Jul. 23, 2004)
Be a regular contributor to and get published in the Neopian Times (at least 10 times).

Dice-A-Roo - (released Jul. 21, 2004)
Win the Jackpot for the game

Kiko Ninja - (released Jul. 16, 2004)
Have a Niten Hiroru Collectable Card in your inventory and then view the
Niten Hiroru Neopedia article.

Snowmuncher - (released Jul. 15, 2004)
Score of 5000+ for the game

Baby Pteri - Cracked - (released Jul. 14, 2004)
View a Baby Pteri pet lookup. You can see one

Cliffhanger - Game Over - (released Jul. 12, 2004)
Lose a game of

Sinsi - Shapeshifter - (released Jul. 9, 2004)
Beat level 5 in the game
Shapeshifter. Once you have won level 5, go onto level six then go back to the game index page to get the avatar.

Faellie - It's Alive! - (released Jul. 7, 2004)
View a pet lookup that has a Faellie for a Petpet. You can see one

Whack-A-Kass - (released Jul. 6, 2004)
Get at least 850 meters in the game of

Mediocre - (released Jul. 2, 2004)
As quoted from the
Neopian Times Issue 150 "You need to win the grand prize of 1,000 NP on the Wheel of Mediocrity in order to get the avatar. We tested it and it does work, it is just extremely rare!"

Gallery of Evil - Vira - (released Jun. 28, 2004)
You need to have a mirror in your inventory (any mirror will work) and then go look at the Gallery of Evil page for

Neomail Addict - (released Jun. 25, 2004)
Random event when using NeoMail.

You can also get this avatar by signing up for NeoPets Premium
NOTE: This is NOT a free webmail service! There is a 15 day Free Trail offer but you will still need to have either credit card or be able to use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to sign up.

Pwned by the Lab - (released Jun. 23, 2004)
Have access to the
The Laboratory and when your pet changes species, you will get this avatar.

Magical Kauvara - (released Jun. 18, 2004)
Use any 'Morphing Potion' on your pet.

Sssidney - (released Jun. 15, 2004)
Buy any Scratchcard from the
Deserted Fairground Scratchcards Kiosk and if you win, you get this avatar.

Island Quiggle - (released Jun. 14, 2004)
Have an Island Quiggle and view your user lookup.

NOTE: It has been reported that the Quiggle has to be a certain age while others have said they got the avatar as soon as they changed their pet to an Island Quiggle.

Turmaculus - (released Jun. 2004)
Wake up Turmaculus and if it eats your Petpet, you get the avatar.

Battle JubJub - (released Jun. 9, 2004)
View a JubJub pet lookup. You can see one

Queen Fyora - (released Jun. 2, 2004)
Have your pet play with a Faerie Queen Doll.

Coco Roller - (released June 1, 2004)
Downloading the NeoPets mobile phone game '
Coco Roll' onto your mobile phone, then get a highscore and submit the 8 digit HI-SCORE code.

NOTE: This is only available through certain wireless carriers and your mobile phone must be capable of downloading games. It will also cost around $3.99US (this may vary) to download the game, plus any other charges your wireless carrier charges.

If the link above does not work, go

Plushie Nova - (released May 31, 2004)
RETIRED - Given at the
McDonald's Daily Giveaway on May 31, 2004 and September 29, 2005.

Yurble - (released May 28, 2004)
View a Yurble pet lookup. You can see one

Super Pea - (released May 19, 2004)
Have a Pea Chia and equip it with the Super Attack Pea.

IOM Moehog - (released May 14, 2004)
Random event when playing the game
Invasion of Meridell - 300 BN however it seems to be most frequently obtained after winning mission 7.

Darigan Redeemed - (released May 13, 2004)
RETIRED - If you participated in the Meridell vs Darigan War (in November/December of 2002) and fought on the Darigan side, go to
Lord Darigan's Chambers to get this avatar.

BFM - Squished Spiders - (released May 13, 2004)
RETIRED - If you participated in the Battle for Meridell War (in March-May of 2004), go to your User Lookup to get this avatar.

Tyranu Evavu - (released May 12, 2004)
Get at least 15 wins in a row for the game
Tyranu Evavu. NOTE: You may not get it exactly on the 15th win.

Forever Orange - (released May 5, 2004)
You need to have an Orange Grundo pet and then look at your pet's lookup to get this avatar.

Return of Dr. Sloth Champion Avatar - (released May 1, 2004)
RETIRED - Given as a prize to those that participated in the
Return of Dr. Sloth TCG Organised Play Tournament (May 1, 2004) and for the The Return of Dr. Sloth TCG Staff Tournament (September 2004).

Grundo Warehouse - (released May 1, 2004)
Go to the
Grundo Warehouse and where it says "Older 10 character codes", enter the code A384J in the first box and 228P1 in the second box.

NOTE: This will only get you the avatar. You will not get any Rare Item Code items from it.

Ghost Lupe - (released May 1, 2004)
Defeat the Ghost Lupe in the

NOTE: If you don't have the Ghost Lupe as a 1 Player Opponent, go to our One Player Challenger list to see how you get him.

Wheel of Monotony - Spin - (released Apr. 28, 2004)
Spin the
Wheel of Monotony and if your lucky, you will get this avatar.

NOTE: Some believe that you can only get this when you land on the ? however, this is not always the case. I got it when the wheel landed on the Piece of Paper and I have seen others say that they got the avatar when the wheel landed on other spaces too so it seems to be random as to when you get the avatar.

Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny - (released Apr. 27, 2004)
Beat the Bionic Cybunny in Chapter 5 of
NeoQuest II.

Fire Paw - (released Apr. 22, 2004)
Place the Collectable Card called Fire Paw in your NeoDeck.

Raider of Maraqua - (released Apr. 21, 2004)
You need to play the
Raiders of Maraqua game and get a score of 800+.

Grey Wocky - *sigh* - (released Apr. 14, 2004)
Have a Grey pet and view your pet's lookup.

Caption Contest - Funny - (released Apr. 12, 2004)
You get this avatar if you win the
NeoPets Caption Competition however, as quoted from the The Neopian Times Week 137, "It was only for the 400th contest. It will however be given out for the winners of the 500th, 600th, 700th etc.. so there are more chances to get hold of it coming up."

Easter Cybunny - (released Apr. 8, 2004)
Limited - Send someone a
Easter NeoGreetings on April 8.

Gruslen - (released Apr. 6, 2004)
Have a Gruslen attached to one of your pets for 100 days then go to that pets lookup to get the avatar. Some players report getting the avatar at 99 days.

Bless you, Shoyru - (released Apr. 2, 2004)
Have a Shoyru and bless it with any Bottled Faerie.

NOTE: You need to make sure that your Shoyru has enough levels to be able to be blessed. If you want to know more, check our Faerie Abilities list.

Quiguki April Fools Avatar - (released Apr. 1, 2004)
LIMITED - View the
New Features page on April 1.

Meuka - Snotty(released Mar. 24, 2004)
Defeat Meuka in the Battledome.

NOTE: If you don't have Meuka as a 1 Player Opponent, go to our One Player Challenger list to see how you get him.

Groovy Chomby(released Mar. 23, 2004)
Purchase a "Chomby and the Fungus Balls Ticket" and then go see them in

NOTE: Once the ticket is used... it is gone! Free concerts do not work to get the avatar.

Illusen Doll(released Mar. 17, 2004)
LIMITED - You can only get this avatar by completing a quest for
Illusen on Illusen Day (March 17).

Mazzew(released Mar. 10, 2004)
Have a Mazzew Petpet on one of your pets for... (we have been getting reports of different days as to when players are getting this avatar. Some report they got it at 200 days, some at 221 days and some say 250 days so I guess it's different days for different players.)

TCG - Wanna Play?(released Mar. 10, 2004)
RETIRED - This avatar was given out to those that scored points in the 2004 Battle for Meridell TCG Staff Tournament.

Pick Your Own(released Mar. 5, 2004)
Meri Acres Farm - Pick Your Own and do not have any Dung in your punnet by the time you are done.

Hint: If you do pick up any dung while moving around the farm you can choose to discard it and try again for another item.

Gadgadsbogen!(released Mar. 4, 2004)
LIMITED - Go to the Neopedia article
"Trickster Llugh and the Legend of Gadgadsbogen" on Gadgadsbogen Day, March 4th.

Uni Faboo - (released Mar. 2, 2004)
Purchase a 80+ rarity item from the
Clothes Shop.

Some r80+ items are: Straw Hat, Orange Cap, Green Jubjub Cap, Red Cap, JubJub T-shirt and I Love Turtums T-Shirt.

More r80+ items: Blue Cap, War Chia Top, Green Marbleman Tshirt, Studded Collar, Red Marbleman Tshirt, Leather Jacket, Erisim T-Shirt, Krawk T-Shirt, Pinceron T-Shirt, Hasee T-Shirt, Blue Boogie T-Shirt, Blue Khonsu T-Shirt, Pink Flosset T-Shirt, Pink Walein T-Shirt, Yellow Mortog T-Shirt, I Love Fyora T-Shirt, Triangular Sunglasses

Master Vex - (released Feb. 23, 2004)
Random when playing
Cellblock game. When you get the avatar appears to be random. During Tournament 5 is the lowest reported for getting this avatar.

Dr. Grumps - (released Feb. 20, 2004)
Score 900+ for the game
Gourmet Bowls.

(HINT: Typing in the word 'shepherd' on the game start page will double your game points.)

Lil' Devil - (released Feb. 19, 2004)
Defeat the DevilPuss in Chapter 5 of
NeoQuest II.

Kasuki Lu - Heeyah! - (released Feb. 17, 2004)
Defeat Kasuki Lu in the Battledome. To get him as a Battledome challenger, have a Kasuki Lu Collectable Card in your inventory and click on the item. The avatar notice will appear in the pop-up window.

Neoquest II - Weakling- (released Feb. 17, 2004)
NeoQuest II and have Rohane lose to the Plains Lupe. After you lose, you are sent back to your last resting place and will then get the avatar notice.

Valentine Chia - (released Feb. 13, 2004)
LIMITED - This is only available on Valentine's Day, February 14. Send someone the
Puppyblew "I Love You (Animated!)" NeoGreeting on Valentine's Day.

Lennys Rule - (released Feb. 12, 2004)
Be one of the first 250 to win the game
Lenny Conundrum.

Evil Jhudora - (released Feb. 4, 2004)
LIMITED - You can only get this avatar by completing a quest for
Jhudora on Jhudora Day (February 4th).

Helpful Zafara - (released Feb. 3, 2004)
Go to the
Neopets Help Section, type the word 'avatar' in the search field and click on "Ask Away!". At the Avatars FAQ page, keep refreshing that page until you get the avatar. It will appear under the avatar help sections and it may take a LOT of refreshes before you get the avatar.

Kacheek Swim - (released Jan. 29, 2004)
Have a Kacheek pet as your active pet and take it to the
Mystery Island Beach.

Evil Eliv - (released Jan. 28, 2004)
Score 1200+ for the game
The Castle of Eliv Thade.

Jester - (released Jan. 27, 2004)
Go to the
Grumpy Old King and tell King Skark a joke. If you make him laugh, you might get this avatar.

HINT: Many players have reported that you need to use the same question found on the Blumaroo Court Jester TCG card which is; "What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives?" and then use the answer of "You offering them a tin of what what what" however, it does not guarantee you will make him laugh by using this. It might take several times before it works. *Remember that this is just a rumour and we have not been able to prove that it works.* He may hate it though and give you the Skarl - Moody avatar. ;)

Gadgads Game - (released Jan. 21, 2004)
Score of at 1000+ for the game

Pack Rat - (released Jan. 23, 2004)
You need to have 1000 DIFFERENT items in your Safe Deposit Box.

Turtum - (released Jan. 21, 2004)
Score 230 points for the game
Ultimate Bullseye.

Elephante Surprise - (released Jan. 16, 2004)
Have an Elephante pet and feed it a 'Bag of Peanuts'.

I *heart* Sloth - (released Jan. 14, 2004)
LIMITED - (This avatar is only available on Sloth Appreciation Day, January 14.) Go to the Space Station
Mind Control Laboratory and take the Dr. Sloth loyalty test. Check the box before the questions and then answer the questions. The correct answers are: C, D, B, C, A.

Buzzin' - (released Jan. 9, 2004)
Have a Buzz pet and take it to the Rainbow Fountain and paint it. You will need to get a Fountain Faerie quest and complete it to gain access to the Rainbow Fountain. VERY rare!

Bomber - (released Jan. 7, 2004)
Score 1300+ for the game
Chia Bomber.

Alien Aisha - (released Jan. 2, 2004)
Use any Nerkmid in the Alien Aisha's
Vending Machine.

Snorkle - (released Dec. 23, 2003)
Feed your pet a Snorkle Snout.

I Love My Rock - (released Dec. 16, 2003)
Purchase a "Sticks N Stones Ticket" and then go see them in

NOTE: Once the ticket is used... it is gone! Free concerts do not work to get the avatar.

Destroyer! - (released Dec. 12, 2003)
Score of 3000 or more in the game
MAGAX: Destroyer.

Let It Snow! - (released Dec. 5, 2003)
Have an Icy Snowflake in your inventory (not trades) and go to the
Terror Mountain weather page. If it's snowing or blizzard you'll get the avatar.

Bilge Dice - (released Dec. 5, 2003)
Random event when getting a perfect score of 24 in the game
Bilge Dice.

Lucky Streak - (released Dec. 5, 2003)
Win 10 games in a row in the game
Bilge Dice. NOTE: A tie does NOT count as a win.

Seasonal Attack Pea - (released Dec. 4, 2003)
LIMITED - Given out at the
Christmas Advent Calendar on 12/4/2003, 12/17/2004, 12/25/2005.

Whee! - (released Dec. 3, 2003)
Have a Snowbunny attached to one of your pets for one year (365 days) then go to your pet's lookup and then refresh it until you get the avatar.

Mutant JubJub - (released Nov. 25, 2003)
Give a Transmogrification Potion to one of your pets to turn it into a Mutant pet.

Slorg - (released Nov. 24, 2003)
Have a pet that has a Slorg Petpet that is 100+ days old then go to that pets lookup to get this avatar.

Lost Desert Stamp Collector - (released Nov. 20, 2003)
Complete the Lost Desert page in your Stamp Collection.
Need help finding all the stamps?
Here is a list.

Drackonack - (released Nov. 19, 2003)
Have a Drackonack Petpet and some cheese (regular cheese works) in your inventory and refresh the inventory page (it can take quite a lot of refreshing). When you get the avatar, the notice will be at the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: Having the items in the Trading Post while refreshing WILL work!

Sutek's Tomb - (released Nov. 2003)
Score 2000 or more for the
Sutek's Tomb game. The avatar notice will appear in a pop-up window.

Mootix - (released Nov. 12, 2003)
Have a Mootix Petpetpet attached to one of your Petpets and go to your pets
Quick Ref and refresh the page.

To attach a Petpetpet, select the pet with the Petpet you want the Petpetpet attached to be your active pet. Have the Petpetpet in your inventory and refresh your inventory page until you get the notice that the Petpetpet has attached it's self to the Petpet. This may take some time so beware of that.

NOTE: Once you have the Petpetpet attached to your Petpet, if you ever remove it from your Petpet you will lose the Petpetpet. As in... poof gone bye-bye forever!

HINT: It seems that if you have a Meowclops or Angelpuss attached to a different pet it overrides the Mootix and you will have to remove the Angelpuss/Meowclops to before you will get the Mootix avatar. (Thanks to onekyfemme)
Black Pteri - (released Nov. 7, 2003)
Defeat the Black Pteri in the Battledome. This Battledome opponent is obtained via random event.

Haunted Woods Stamp Collector - (released Nov. 7, 2003)
Complete the Haunted Woods page in your Stamp Collection.
Need help finding all the stamps?
Here is a list.

Plushie Tycoon - (released Nov. 6, 2003)
From the Plushie Tycoon Help Page... "To be a Plushie Tycoon you must have at least 50,000 NPs in your Tycoon account at the end of the game. All Tycoons win a Trophy plus, the Plushie Tycoon avatar."

Tyrannian Stamp Collector - (released Nov. 6, 2003)
Complete the Tyrannian page in your Stamp Collection.
Need help finding all the stamps?
Here is a list.

Virtupets Stamp Collector - (released Nov. 5, 2003)
Complete the Virtupets page in your Stamp Collection.
Need help finding all the stamps?
Here is a list.

Mystery Island Stamp Collector - (released Nov. 4, 2003)
Complete the Mystery Island page in your Stamp Collection.
Need help finding all the stamps?
Here is a list.

Deadly Dice - (released Oct. 31, 2003)
Count von Roo's Deadly Dice. If you throw a 'draw' and win two levels on the next roll, you get the avatar.

NOTE: Count von Roo is only awake from 12:00-12:59am NST. Also, reports have come that if you play again after getting the avatar and you lose after a draw, you will also lose the avatar!

Extreme - (released Oct. 30, 2003)
Extreme Potato Counter and get a score of at least 200.

Avatar Collector - (released UNKOWN)
Get in the top 50 on the Hi-Score table for
NeoBoard Avatar Collector.

Evil Fuzzle - BOO! - (released Oct. 29, 2003)
Have your pet play with Blue Evil Fuzzle... repeatedly! The notice that you have the avatar will appear in the item pop-up window.

Cackle - (released Oct. 28, 2003)
Random event while doing Edna's quests at the
The Witch's Tower.

Werelupe - (released Oct. 27, 2003)
Have a Halloween Lupe and look at it's pets lookup.

Freaked - (released Oct. 24, 2003)
Be in the top 50 on the Hi-Score table for the
Korbats Lab game.

Wizard- (released Oct 21, 2003)
RETIRED - This avatar was given to the winners of the 2003 NeoPets Staff TCG Tournament.

Volcano Faerie- (released Oct 21, 2003)
RETIRED - You had to be one of the top 100 players to help save Mystery Island in the Mystery Island Volcano Mystery Plot (Sept/Oct 2003) to get this one.

I Saved Mystery Island- (released Oct. 21, 2003)
RETIRED - The first 10,000 players to help save Mystery Island in the Mystery Island Volcano Mystery Plot (Sept/Oct 2003) got this one.

Chomp- (released Oct. 16, 2003)
You need to have a Jetsam pet and feed any aquatic Petpet. After you have fed your pet, the notice that you have the avatar will appear in the item pop-up window.

Darkling- (released Oct 2003)
RETIRED - If you participated in the Meridell vs Darigan War (Nov/Dec 2002) on the Darigan side, you got this avatar.

Knight - (released UNKOWN)
RETIRED - If you participated in the Meridell vs Darigan War (Nov/Dec 2002) on the Meridell side, you got this avatar.

Plushie Eyrie - (released Oct. 10, 2003)
Go to the
NeoBoards and without having any NeoHTML or a NeoSignature set in your NeoBoards - User Preferences, make a new post using only the word 'squawk' (without the quotes). If you do it correctly, you will get notification that you got the avatar.

NOTE: Some players have reported that you need to use the NeoPets default avatar (the NeoPets star), no NeoHTML or NeoSignature and create a new topic with the title and topic message as squawk however, I used one of the other "default" avatars with no NeoHTML or NeoSignature and I just replied to an existing post already on the board with the word squawk and I got the avatar.

Chokato - (released Oct. 8, 2003)
Have a Chokato (TCG) in your inventory and refresh the inventory page.

Warrior - (released Oct. 3, 2003)
Equip a Grarrl with one of the Grarrl weapons that were released on Grarrl day (Oct 4, 2003). (The Bony Grarrl Club has been confirmed to work.)

Heermeedjet and Meerouladen - (released Oct. 2, 2003)
Defeat the Meerca Henchmen in the Battledome for the
Defenders of Neopia Mission 8. If you do not have them as opponents yet, click here and refresh until you get them. Once you have defeated the Meerca Henchmen in the Battledome, click on the "Return to Defenders of Neopia" and refresh that page.

Note: You will get one or the other avatar but you will not get both.

Coconut - (released Oct. 1, 2003)
Have a Coconut JubJub and feed it a Coconut Cocktail.

Free Jhuidah! - (released Oct. 2003)
RETIRED - This avatar was given out during the Mystery Island Volcano Mystery Plot (Sept/Oct 2003) when you needed to have a Tagobo Potion in your inventory and then go to the
Rock Pool and click on Jhuidah in the bowl to free her.

Feed Me - (released Sep. 24, 2003)
Have a Skeith pet and feed it something with the word 'Skeith' in the name. After you have fed your pet, the notice when you get the avatar will appears in the item pop-up window... as long as the item you fed it doesn't make your Skeith sick that is. ;)

Mad About Orange - (released Sep. 24, 2003)
Have 8, or more, items with the word 'orange' in the name in your items inventory page. The number of orange items you need seems to vary from person to person. Some claim they got it with 8, some with 10 (it took me more than 8) so as you collect the orange items just keep refreshing your inventory page until you get the avatar. The notice when you get the avatar appears at the bottom of your items page.

Codestones - (released Sep. 23, 2003)
Have all 10 original Codestones (the red Codestones do not work) in your inventory and refresh the inventory page. (some players report they got the avatar with fewer than 10 codestones.)

I'm Smelly - (released Sep. 23, 2003)
Have at least 10 different dung items in your inventory and refresh the inventory page. The notice when you get the avatar appears at the bottom of your items page.

Pant Devil - (released Sep. 12, 2003)
Have an un-retired item that is valued at 1,000,000+ nps (per it's description) in your inventory and refresh your inventory page until you get the avatar. (I recommend filling up your inventory with 49 other items you don't care about losing to lessen the chance of the Pant Devil stealing the expensive item.)

NOTE 1: Having the item in the trading post while refreshing no longer works.

NOTE 2: Originally it was said that you needed a Hidden Tower item however two of the most common items used to get this avatar have been the Tiki Armour and Mystery Palm Shield and those are not Hidden Tower items. They were prizes given for the Mystery Island Volcano Mystery. Other items known to work are the Slumberberry Potion and Sword of Skardsen. Items known NOT to work are Hidden Tower Faerie Dolls, Squeezy Tombola Toy and Darigan Paint Brush.

NOTE 3: We have received reports that the item value has been increased to 5,000,000+ but this has not been verified yet.

MSPP - The Avatar - (released Sep. 19, 2003)
Have a Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG) card in your inventory and refresh the inventory page.

Space Faerie - (released Sep. 17, 2003)
Defeat the Space Faerie (difficulty 450!) in the
Battledome. If you don't already have her on your 1-player list, you will have to redeem a NeoPets merchandise rare item code card for a chance to get her.

Chocolate - (released Sep. 15, 2003)
Purchase a item from the
Chocolate Factory with a rarity of 90 or higher.

Here are some r90+ items: Apple and Custard Drops, Brussel Sprout Jelly Beans, Caramel and Custard Drops, Charcoal Jelly Beans, Chocolate Peach, Creamy Choccywhip, Dark Chocolate Poogle, Dark Chocolate Shoyru, Dark Chocolate Skeith, Double Chocolate Jelly Beans, ErgyFruit Jelly Beans, Fishy Delight Grarrl Gobstopper, Fluff N Stuff Grarrl Gobstopper, Juppiemint Bar, Kau Sundae, Lemon Sherbert Jelly Beans, Mint Chocolate Blumaroo, Mint Chocolate Chia, Mint Chocolate Kacheek, Mint Chocolate Lupe, Mint Chocolate Peophin, Minty Choccywhip, Bullseyes, Neotruffle, Deluxe Strawberry Toffee Chokato, Omnipotent Onion Grarrl Gobstopper, Orange Chocolate Scorchio, Peophin Chocolate Medallion, Raspberry and Vanilla Nova, Spooky Flying Doughnut, Strawberry Fondant Surprise, Super Spicy Jelly Beans, Sweet Necklace, Ummagine Candy Cane, White Chocolate Nova, Yummy Drops, Hazelnut Whirl.

Dr. Death - (released Sep. 12, 2003)
Visit Dr. Death at the Neopian Pound
"Disown your Neopet" desk. You do NOT have to disown your pet!

Techo Master - (released Sep. 12, 2003)
Visit the Techo Master at the
Mystery Island Training School.

Defenders of Neopia - Lupe - (released Sep. 11, 2003)
View the Defenders of Neopia
Old Comics.

Defenders of Neopia - Aisha - (released Sep. 11, 2003)
View the
Defenders of Neopia page.

Escape - (released Sep. 9, 2003)
Be in the Top 50 High-Score Table for the
Escape from Meridell Castle game.

Maraquan Krawk - (released Sep. 5, 2003)
View a Maraquan Krawk pet lookup. You can see one

Grey Faerie - (released Sep. 4, 2003)
View the Grey Faerie article in the

Angelpuss - (released Sep. 4, 2003)
Give an Angelpuss petpet to one of you pets and then view your pets
Quick Ref and refresh the page.

Angelpuss - Angel - (released Sep. 4, 2003)
Search for the item

Pirate! - Scorchio - (released Sep. 3, 2003)
It is located in room
2149 at the Swashbuckling Academy.

Pirate! - Shoyru - (released Sep. 3, 2003)
It is located in room
15 at the Swashbuckling Academy.

Pirate! - Aisha - (released Sep. 3, 2003)
It is located in room
45 at the Swashbuckling Academy.

Pirate! - Krawk - (released Sep. 3, 2003)
It is located in room
2 at the Swashbuckling Academy.

Better Than You - (released Aug. 29, 2003)
Win a
Better Than You! competition.

Capara - (released Aug. 29, 2003)
You need to catch Capara cheating in the game
Cheat! and then you need to finish the round. You may not get it the avatar the first time you catch her but just keep trying.

Grundo - Snowthrow - (released Aug. 25, 2003)
Get on the top 50 on the Hi-Score table for Grundo Snowthrow Get a score of 10,000+ in the game
Snow Wars II.

NOTE: Grundo Snowthrow was replaced with the game Snow Wars II and according to NeoPets, you are still able to get this avatar by playing Snow Wars II.

Grundo - Faerie - (released Aug. 25, 2003)
Look at a pet lookup for a Faerie Grundo. You can see one
here .

Usukicon - Shopkeeper and Usukicon - Usuls - (released Aug. 20, 2003)
Go to the
Usukiland shop and click on the Usukiland Advert link to get both avatars. There is no notification when you get the avatars and they are automatically added to your avatar list.

Meowclops - (released Aug. 18, 2003)
Give a Meowclops to one of your pets and make that pet your active pet. Then go to your pets
Quick Reference page. You may have to refresh that page a few times before you get the avatar notice.

NOTE: If you have an Angelpuss equipped on any of your other pet(s) at the same time, you may not get the Meowclops avatar. If it does not work after several attempts, remove the Angelpuss and try again.

Soup Faerie - (released Aug. 18, 2003)
Feed your pet at the
Soup Kitchen.

NOTE: You cannot have more than 3000nps total in your account to use the Soup Kitchen and it may take a few feedings before you get the avatar.

Jhudora's Cloud - (released Aug. 11, 2003)
Complete level 20 for
Jhudora's Cloud quests.

Illusen's Glade - (released Aug. 15, 2003)
Complete level 20 for
Illusen's Glade quests.

Wheel of Excitement - (released Aug. 15, 2003)
Land on the 10,000np prize spot when you spin the
Wheel of Excitement.

Number Six - (released Aug. 14, 2003)
Go to the
About Us page and match the amount of NeoPoints Adam has. His Neopoints change so check back if you don't match at the time you look.

Fyora - (released Aug. 14, 2003)
Buy any artifact from the
Hidden Tower. There is no notification when you get the avatar and it's automatically added to your avatar list.

Babaa - (released Aug. 13, 2003)
Be in the top 50 Hi-Score table for
Maths Nightmare.

Sloth - (released Aug. 11, 2003)
You get this via random event.

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This site is NOT in any way part of neopets.This is a member web site for the guild The dark gift.all items are for this site only.2006

get this gear!